
  • Calling Map

    I can’t tell you how much I refer back to my calling map as I get ready for different sermons…Helping people step into Victory because of the Victory I’ve experienced in Jesus!!! Is’s so so helpful. Thank you for investing in me!! It honestly changes the way I preach & look at Scripture for the better.

    - Ignite Pastor

  • Presence-Centered Communities

    Our Presence-centered communities are life giving and refreshing for me. They are like oxygen for my lungs or like a fresh cold drink of water for my parched and dry mouth. God, through you guys and my time sitting with him, is helping me see my life and ministry from a whole different perspective that is so positive…

    -Ignite Pastor

  • Retreats

    Spending time with other pastors who are chasing God’s heart instead of programs was energizing. Meeting new friends that quickly became family was a great gift. God’s presence was evident the entire weekend, and it was hard to leave.

    Pastors Aaron & Katie Ferry

  • Acts 13 Communities

    Our leaders are excited about our Acts 13 community. We had a great discussion after the zoom call ended! We count it an honor to be on this journey with other churches. Thank you for the work you do for the Kingdom, it’s solid!

    Pastors K. C. & Diana Graves

You are what the Lord is doing on the earth…”

- Pastor Ken Love